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So, I had a pretty fun and relaxing weekend. With (get this) even a rest day built into it. How lucky am I?

First, Girls Night Out-- Yay!

Followed by a fun day at the parade with friends

And husband

and kids
and Bloody Marys.
And today, today (Sunday) was just a relaxing day at home with the kids. Making pancakes, watching movies, coloring, napping, etc. OK, so I did throw in a little 18-mile run in there, but it didn't take precedent over the family and the weekend.

I know, I know. This is a triathlete blog, so what the heck am I doing writing about my weekend?


Too often when we are training with a specific goal(s) in mind, we forget about the other parts of our life that are so important. Training takes over our time, our diet, who we can hang out with, how late we can stay out, everything. It also limits the energy we have to spend on and with the people we love who may (or may not) be part of the sport.

Training can make us forget about the friends that support us through anything-- sporting or non-sport related.

We often take for granted the spouses that would do anything for us, who give us the confidence and ability to continue on doing what we love.

And the parents and family that support and love us unconditionally... ...even if they don't always "get it" they are always there for us.

Prior to this weekend, I will admit I was feeling drained. Tired. A tad sick of working out. But now, I feel rejuvenated, happy and can't wait for my next key workout. I think it is the energy of my friends and the other aspects in my life that even it all out.

It's the balance I strike between time with and support from you that makes me a better athlete and person. So, thank you. Thank you to you all for being a part of my life. For your words of encouragement. For celebrating in my successes and seeing the positives in my not-so-successes. Thank you for being patient with me when I am training and supporting me with my goals. I know that I wouldn't be able to achieve them without you. I feel so lucky to have you all in my life.