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RMTC Moab Spring Training: Day Three

Day three was BRICK day... although so was Day 2, sorta.

Everyone started out with a ride up to Deadhorse Point. Now, at first I didn't realize the significance of it, but then when I heard it was the place where Thelma & Louise drove off the cliff-- I was so excited!

I started out with my trusty riding partner (Jen) and Patty. We had a good ride up to Deadhorse Point and when I say up, I mean UP. It wasn't steep, but it was climb, climb, climbing up for about 15 miles.
Beginning of the ride- no climbing yet.
Being from Wisconsin, when I saw this sign, I didn't think anything of it.

Till I realized I would be sharing the road with them. No biggie, just had to move over a bit.

Somewhere along the way, the winds really picked up and I got chilled to the bone. When we were entering the park, Jen and I both commented we might turn around after the lookout just because we were both soooo cold. When we reached the lookout point, Patty decided to go on and Jen and I stopped for some pictures- GORGEOUS!!!

After the park, we were a little less chilled, so we decided to ride on. We made it to Canyonlands National Park, but since we only wanted to get about 60 miles in, opted to head back without entering the park.

On the way back, I was floored. I must have ridden up the first 15 miles without really looking around, cuz on the way back the views were BEAUTIFUL. I couldn't believe how much I missed. I even pulled over twice to stop and take pictures (and you know me... it's gotta be good for me to actually stop).

We got back to the car and it was off with the bike shoes and on with the running shoes. I had a 75 minute run and took off towards a dirt trail only to be stopped with a "PRIVATE PROPERTY- NO TRESPASSING" sign. Rats! Back on paved trail and went down a mile to see a nice dirt road running UP Gemini Bridges Road-- SWEET!

Again, instantly in heaven. I was running up, up, up the side of a mesa/mountain/whatever they call them out there. There was an adventure race going on at the same time, so as I was running up there were mountain bikers coming down. I had a blast just running up and looking around. Again, the views were just to die for. 

Adventure Racers- I cheered them on!

View from the top-- looking down.
 I made it to the top, there was some rolling terrain and then I dropped back down into the other side of the canyon.
After I ran down and into another canyon- my turnaround point.
 My watch hit 40 minutes and I knew it was time to book it back "home". I took one last picture and off I went, up the other side of the canyon and down, down, down Gemini Bridges road - fun - and then back to the car. The timing was perfect, as a bunch of other rmtc'ers had just finished their bricks and were recovering with some much needed fluids (work hard, play hard) and I was so happy to have found a trail to run. (Not suprisingly, I learned that it wasn't that hard out there.)

Another day in the books, we headed back to the hotel to recover. Later that night it was out to dinner at the Moab Brewery- yum! Where we all met up and had a delicious meal. Again, I was slacking on the picts, but we had a great time- all 30+ of us!